SAG - Schweizerische Amerikanisten-Gesellschaft

SSA - Société Suisse des Américanistes

SSA - Società Svizzera di Americanistica

SSA - Swiss Society of Americanists

SSA - Sociedad Suiza de Americanistas 


La Société suisse des Américanistes a été fondée en 1949. A ses débuts, elle regroupait essentiellement des anthropologues et des ethnologues suisses qui conduisaient des recherches dans les trois Amériques. Par la suite, la Société a intégré des membres d'autres pays et s'est ouverte à de nombreuses disciplines comme la géographie, l'art, l'histoire, la littérature, la sociologie, l'économie, etc. Elle réunit « les personnes qui s'intéressent aux trois Amériques » afin de générer « une meilleure connaissance scientifique et humaine de ces trois sous-continents, notamment de leurs composantes multiculturelles » (art. 3 des statuts de la SSA). Actuellement elle compte environ 300 membres (individuels ou collectifs) et elle dispose d'une importante bibliothèque hébergée par le Musée d'ethnographie de Genève.


:: Les principales activités de la SSA sont :

:: L'organisation de Journée d'Etudes tous les deux ans

:: La publication d'une revue scientifique intitulée Bulletin de la SSA pour les numéros 1-70 qui est devenue LA Revista à partir du numéro 71

:: L'organisation de conférences et d'activités - La publication d'une Newsletter

:: La gestion du site web :


:: La SSA est membre de l'Académie suisse des sciences humaines et sociales (ASSH). Au niveau européen, elle est membre de CEISAL (Consejo europeo de investigaciones sociales de América latina) depuis 2004 et siège au comité directeur depuis 2007.


:: Statuts (23.11.2005) (PDF:28KB / 5 pages)

:: Rapport d'activité 2003 (PDF:17KB / 2 pages)

:: Rapport d'activité 2004 (PDF:25KB / 3 pages)

:: Rapport d'activité 2005 (PDF:84KB / 2 pages)

:: Rapport d'activité 2006 (PDF:117KB / 2 pages)

:: Rapport d'activité 2007 (PDF:69KB / 2 pages)

:: Rapport d'activité 2008 (PDF:128KB / 5 pages)

:: Rapport d'activité 2009 (PDF:128KB / 5 pages)

:: Rapport d'activité 2010 (PDF:128KB / 5 pages)

:: Rapport d'activité 2011 (PDF:128KB / 5 pages)

:: Rapport d'activité 2012 (PDF:128KB / 5 pages)

:: Rapport d'activité 2013 (PDF:128KB / 5 pages)

:: Rapport d'activité 2014 (PDF:128KB / 4 pages)


:: Les membres de la SSA bénéficient des avantages suivants


    abonnement gratuit au Bulletin annuel de la SSA

    informations sur les activités de la SSA

    invitations aux manifestations qu'elle parraine.

    accès à la bibliothèque de la SSA et à son fond de documentation

    participation à l'Assemblée générale annuelle et aux activités récréatives qui lui sont liées 


:: Renseignements complémentaires et secrétariat : Madame Liliana Soler Gomez Lutzelschwab   /  e-mail: info(at)


:: Adresse postale :  Société Suisse des Américanistes, Case postale 410, 1211 Genève 12 - Suisse


Evolution of an Academic Society

Evolution of an academic society

The Swiss Society of Americanists was founded in 1949. At first, it consisted mainly of Swiss anthropologists and ethnologists who conducted research in the Americas. Subsequently, the Society has included members from other countries and became open to many disciplines such as geography, art, history, literature, sociology, economics, etc. The Society brings together "people who are interested in the three Americas" to generate "better scientific and human knowledge of these three sub-continents, including their multicultural components" (art. 3 of the Contitution Articles of the SAG-SSA). Currently, it has about 300 members (individual and/or collective). Members come from a variety of disciplines, including anthropology, archeology, art, education, economics, geography, history, human rights, law, philosophy, linguistics, sociology and urban studies. The Society owns an important thematic library hosted by the Geneva Museum of Ethnography located at the new and modern MEG building. The SSA is member of the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences (SAHS).


An Open Society: Culture and Science

The Swiss Society of Americanists, whose headquarters are in Geneva, aims to bring together people interested in the three Americas, seeking in particular the active participation of members from these regions, and to promote better scientific knowledge Relevant areas of human and anthropology, history, linguistics and ethnography. The Society assists with the publication of an annual newsletter, including articles in French, German, English, Spanish and Portuguese. The Society seeks to connect people who are interested in these studies.

SAG-SSA promotes the exchange of ideas and information among researchers from various disciplines who study the history, literature and culture of America. The Society promotes the exchange of ideas and information between its members through a newsletter "LA Revista", a forum for the exchange of concerns of the members, through an electronic newsletter, and through meetings, conferences, seminars, symposia, joint research projects, and any other means that the Society deems appropriate.

New paths

Today, the Society wants to increase its impact and open its activities to a wider audience. In addition to the strictly educational activities such as seminars, conferences and the publication of the Bulletin, considered essential to increase its offer:
• enrich the cultural production proposals and academic associative structures and unskilled individuals: support research and conferences or symposiums and artistic audiovisual documents to obtain a more complete image.
• create interfaces or areas of action to educate a wider audience about the issues raised and defended by the SSA.

An international network of research and scientific and cultural disclosure

The SSA brings together "people who are interested in the three Americas" to generate "better scientific and human knowledge of these three sub-continents, including their multicultural components". Currently it has about 300 members (individual or collective). Members come from a variety of disciplines, including anthropology, archeology, art, education, economics, geography, history, human rights, law, philosophy, linguistics, sociology and urban studies. The SSA is a non-profit organization whose funding depends on the majority of contributions paid by its members, their projects also receive financial support from the SAHS. You can become a member of our Society and support our programs.

The Swiss Society of Americanists admits as working languages ​​Spanish, Portuguese, English, German and French. To facilitate communication and debate, the Company proposes the use of Spanish, Portuguese or English.

Main activities of the SAG-SSA

:: The organization of the Study Days every two years
:: The publication of a scientific journal, the Bulletin of the SSA (No. 1-70) that became "LA Revista" since number 71
:: The organization of conferences and colloquia
:: The publication of a newsletter (electronic version)
:: Managing a large collection of bibliographic resources and documentation about Americanist studies
:: Development and maintenance of a dedicated website:
:: An online forum where researchers from different backgrounds could meet, exchange ideas, share their points view and their data.