Call for Papers
Ethnologisches Seminar/Workshop: Social Space, Memory and Conflict in Colombia
16.11.2018 in Basel
A joint event of the Seminar of Social Anthropology, University of Basel / Museum der Kulturen Basel and the Swiss Society of Americanists with the support of the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Since the peace agreements, Colombia has become the focus of research related to conflict and postconflict situations and also receives a growing attention in public perceptions. The country has been frequently associated with endemic violence in the popular imaginary, in public media and academic research. Here, space has long been interpreted as contested in a physical sense that means as a territory over which is fought or where violence occurs. However, this perspective on space is limited to seeing it as a resource to be owned and exploited. In contrast, the ‘spatial turn’ in the social sciences and humanities provides an opportunity to explore the relationship between social space (cities/ landscapes etc), conflict (dynamics, actors, urban resistance etc) and popular imaginations (memory/ narratives etc.) in much greater depth.
The workshop is thought as a platform for recent research projects about Columbia based in Switzerland. We propose to address these three overarching concepts of conflict, space and memory as a main window to allow for a broad scope of presentations that might be interlinked and speak to each other.
For this workshop, we intend to create connections and exchange within the Colombia related academic world within Switzerland and abroad while bringing diverse disciplinary backgrounds, regional interests and historical and contemporary perspectives together. We are particularly interested in processes of knowledge production within the different fields of research and welcome papers that deal with questions of reflexivity within the proposed framework.
The workshop is directed to researchers and students of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Cultural Studies, Political Sciences, History, Law, Geography as well as Conflict and Memory Studies as well as persons interested in the current research in and about Colombia.
We would be pleased to receive your abstract proposals (250 words) in English or Spanish until 30.07.2018. Presentations should be no longer as 20 min to guarantee a discussion of at least 10 min).
We will notify the participation and publish the program mid of August 2018.
Silke Oldenburg, Ethnologische Seminar, Universität Basel, Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.
Alexander Brust, Museum der Kulturen Basel, Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.
Fri, 16.11.2018 from 10:00AM to 18:00PM hrs
Museum der Kulturen Basel, Veranstaltungsraum, Münsterplatz 20, 4051 Basel